
To view samples of my photography styles and the quality of my work please visit my flickr page:

Photography Packages & Rates:
Profile Photo/ Close up 1,500 L$/ Single Shot

Half or Full body Photo 1,500 L$ / Single Shot

Couples Photo 2,500 L$ / Single Shot

Group Photo - 3-4 avatars only. 3,500/ Single Shot

Model Portfolio Package -3 /Shots 5,500 L$
Free Magazine/Portfolio HUD

Commercial photography package and rates
Vendor & Advertisement photo prices may vary per project.
Please Discuss it with me personally.
Price starts at 3,500 L$ and up.


Each photo is enhanced in the latest softwares outside of SL such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and Effex Pro.Process may take up 24-48 hours except Model Portfolio will take about 4-5 Days, Also every photo is perfected with long hours of work, therefore there are no discounts offered.


To schedule an appointment for photo-shoot or to avail any of the following services, please teleport and pay on the vendors in my shop.

I don't do Morph photography ( I just find it weird adding secondlife avatar in to a real life photo.)
I don't do Wedding Photography

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